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McClain High School

McClain Daily Roar

February 11th Announcements

  1. The Band is taking orders for carnation flowers to be delivered on Feb. 14th. You can place your orders during academy in the old gym, in Mrs. Arthurs room, or in the band room. We will only have a limited amount so get your orders in soon so you don't miss out. The cost is $2 per flower.

  2. February is yearbook presale month!  From Feb. 1-28, students and staff may order 2025 yearbooks; during Academy at the marble stairs or during 8th period and after school in room 304.  The cost of the yearbook is $25 for seniors and $45 for underclassmen and staff.  Yearbooks may be personalized with first and last name for an additional $8.  Payment is due at the time the order is placed. Checks should be made out to McClain Annual Staff.  

  3. The annual "Blind Date with a Book" event begins MONDAY, February 3rd!  Come to library in the next two weeks to find your "dream date!"  Will it be Thriller?  A Romance?  A Mystery?  Stop by before Valentine's Day ends Friday, February 14th to find out!  ALL students are welcome to participate.

  4. Class rings will be delivered February, 11th if you have not paid in full please pay at delivery.

  5. This week, we will be having a spirit week to earn points towards the spirit stick for Friday, Feb. 14th's pep rally. Theme days are as follows:

    Today- "Dreaming of a cozy Valentine" : wear pajamas

    Tuesday- "Dress to Impress—Love is in the Air!": wear something nice

    Wednesday- "Crushin’ on My MVP!": dress to match your favorite sports team or player

    Thursday- "Peace, Love, and Valentine’s Vibes!" : wear tie-dye

    Friday- "Spread the Love—Rock Your Red, Pink, or White!" Wear red, pink, or white

  6. The McClain Book Club will meet THURSDAY during Academy in the library for Speed Dating, book trades, and a delicious snack.  BE THERE!  Only two meetings remain for this year!

  7. Attention seniors who have been accepted to Ohio University:  A representative from OU would like to meet with you tomorrow (Wednesday) during Academy in the auditorium.

  8. Please sign up in the high school office if you'd like to give a speech in the auditorium on March 12 to compete for the Rotary Four-Way Test. You will speak only to a small panel of judges from Greenfield Rotary. 1st place will receive $200, 2nd place $100, and 3rd place $50. This is open to all high school students. See Mr. Shelton or Mrs. Gray for more information.

  9. Spring sports are approaching fast. There will be a meeting on Thursday in the auditorium during academy for anyone interested in track and field this spring. 

  10. Speaking of spring sports meeting, There will be a meeting during academy on Friday,  in the auditorium for anyone interested in playing baseball this spring. 

  11. NAHS/ Art Club Meeting during academy today.


Contact Us

Matt Shelton, Principal 

Jarrod Haines, Assistant Principal 

200 North Fifth Street

Greenfield, Ohio 45123

Office: (937) 981-7731 

Fax: (937) 981-4792

School Hours - 7:40 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.


Lauren Garman, Counselor 

April Peterson, Counselor

Toni Lewis, Counselor

Libby Pitzer, Secretary

, Secretary

Jo Ellen Gossett, Guidance Secretary