Information from the January 12, 2024 all-call:
about 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
January menus 🐅
about 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
The Greenfield Exempted Village School District students and staff benefit every day from the leadership and vision of our School Board. 💜💛 January is School Board Recognition Month, so please take the time to thank these dedicated school leaders. We will be recognizing our Board members all month long! 😊 #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
about 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
Board recognition
Please review this important information for our families. 😊🐅 #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
about 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
Inclement weather
Please review this important information for our families. 😊🐅 #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
about 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
Inclement weather
Today, our team (including our substitute team members) collaborated and learned new information in preparation for the second semester. We are excited to welcome our students back tomorrow, Thursday, January 4. 💜💛 Would you be interested in joining our team as a substitute? Contact Mrs. Kris Davis, Administrative Assistant, at (937) 981-2152 for more details. 😊 #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
about 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
Information from the December 19, 2023 all-call:
about 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
December 19
Information from the December 19, 2023 all-call:
about 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
December 2023
For the 2nd straight year, 5th graders at Greenfield Elementary created art to raise money for charity. The 2nd Annual Art for a Cause officially launches this Friday, December 1st. Working in various mediums, fifth graders created artwork on 5 x 7 inch canvas boards. The subjects and mediums were their choice. The art will be posted on Greenfield Elementary School's official Facebook page. From Friday until Sunday, bids on the artwork, starting at $1.00, can be made on any of the 71 pieces of work. This year, all proceeds will go directly to a middle school student battling Leukemia. We appreciate your support!
over 1 year ago, Lindsay McNeal
December breakfast and lunch menus 😊
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
MSHS Lunch
Elementary lunch
Information from the November 21, 2023 4:00 p.m. all-call: We will be on Thanksgiving break beginning tomorrow, November 22 through Friday, November 24. Students will return to school on Monday, November 27. In looking ahead to December, there will be a two-hour early release on Wednesday, December 20. Christmas break will be held beginning Thursday, December 21 through Wednesday, January 3. Students will return on Thursday, January 4. On behalf of our district, we wish all of you a happy and safe Thanksgiving!
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
TONIGHT AND TOMORROW! 💜 The McClain High School Drama Department will be presenting Humbug High: A Contemporary Christmas Carol on November 10 and 11 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $5.00 and can be purchased at the door. Our students have worked hard to prepare and are ready to entertain you. Come and join us! 🎭 #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
The McClain High School Drama Department will be presenting Humbug High: A Contemporary Christmas Carol on November 10 and 11 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $5.00 and can be purchased at the door. Our students have worked hard to prepare and are ready to entertain you. Come and join us! 🎭 #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
Humbug High
Information from the October 30, 2023 4:30 p.m. all-call: On Thursday, November 2, at 7:00 p.m. in the McClain High School Cafetorium, we will be holding an internet safety session for ADULTS ONLY presented by nationally recognized speaker Jesse Weinberger. The session is open to parents/guardians, community members, and those from neighboring communities. You do not have to register in advance. Please consider joining us for this valuable informational session. The Adena Health Mobile Unit will be visiting the buildings in our district, and the first stop is Rainsboro Elementary tomorrow, October 31. If you are a Rainsboro parent, you should have received an email with a consent form in addition to a hard copy that was sent home last week. Consent forms can also be picked up in the school office. Please complete and submit the form whether you would like or not like your child to be seen. Once a consent form is completed, it does not have to be filled out and submitted again. Services provided on the unit include but are not limited to, wellness checks/physicals, treatment for illnesses and injuries, and mental health treatment. If you are a parent in one of our other buildings, you will receive the consent form closer to the mobile unit’s scheduled visit. We are hopeful that many of our families will take advantage of this great opportunity. Parents and guardians should have received an email with a consent form for an optional influenza and Covid vaccination clinic. The clinic will be held tomorrow, October 31, from 1:00-3:00 p.m. in room 153 of Greenfield Middle School. It is for ages six months to adult. Signs will be posted in the colonnade area that will assist you in getting to the correct location. Children younger than 6th grade must be accompanied by their parent or guardian with completed paperwork. If you have a school-age child whom you would like to take to the clinic, you can pick them up from the office and return them once finished. If you have a student who is in 6th through 12th grade that you'd like to receive a shot, you can fill out the form and send it to school with your child. It is a very smooth process for students to be vaccinated during the school day. Parents and guardians can receive shots as well. If you have any questions, please call Katie Pryor, RN at 937-981-3860. On the evenings of November 1 and 2, we will be having parent-teacher conferences in all of our buildings. If you haven’t signed up for a conference, we would love to see you. Working together, we can help to make the educational experience the best that it can be for students. If you have any questions about scheduling a conference, please contact the office of the building where your child attends. If you have any questions regarding this information, please contact the building where your child attends during regular school hours. Have a good evening!
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
HAPPENING THIS THURSDAY! Don't miss out on our internet safety session presented by nationally recognized speaker Jesse Weinberger! Date: Thursday, November 2, 2023 Time: 7:00 p.m. Location: MHS Cafetorium This event is for ADULTS ONLY! It is open to parents/guardians, community members, and those from neighboring communities. Keeping our kids safe while using the internet takes all of us working together! #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
Jesse Weinberger
Internet Safety
Consider joining our transportation team! 💜💛 #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
bus driver
Use the link below to access the October edition of Tiger Talk! 😀 This month's guests are: ➡️ Brandy Luke, EMIS Coordinator ➡️ FFA instructors- Shelby Guthrie, Madison Schumacher, and Mike Sykes ➡️ Anna Barrett and Allie Flowers, MHS students who will share about the upcoming play, Humbug High ➡️ BASC staff, Beth Pennington and Lauren Dowden, along with special guests Audrey, Jamison, and Lincoln #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
Parents and guardians - Be sure to check your email for the required form. Forms can also be completed on campus on the day of the clinic.
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
flu clinic
Be on the lookout this week for the second episode of Tiger Talk, our district's new podcast. Did you miss the September episode? Click the link below to take a listen! 😊 #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
We are VERY excited to have Jesse Weinberger visiting our district in November! Jesse will be holding learning sessions with students in grades 6-9 on November 1 and then holding a parent/guardian session on November 2 @ 7:00 p.m. in the MHS cafetorium. The November 2 session is open to anyone in our community or surrounding communities. Children ARE NOT allowed to attend the November 2 session. Please consider joining us for this informative session about internet safety. #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
internet safety
Jesse Weinberger