This is for individuals over the age of 60 at the Highland County Community Action nutrition site in Greenfield—1300 Jefferson Street. Call 937-981-2895 to make a reservation.
We are so proud of our FFA program! What a great example of community leadership. ☺️

As we close out School Board Recognition Month, our district would once again like to recognize and thank our GEVSD School Board members for their dedication to our district. Go Tigers! 😊💜💛

The Greenfield Exempted Village School District will now be closed Tuesday, January 31, 2023.

The Greenfield Exempted Village School District will be on a two hour delay Tuesday, January 31, 2023. Please remember that breakfast is not served on days when there is a delay. Also, there will be no morning preschool classes.

February menus

2nd grade students from Mrs. Barham's class completed an activity with their art teacher, Mr. Roller. They listened to music from Peter and the Wolf, creating abstract paintings. They experimented in allowing the music to influence their brush strokes and color choices.

Due to the winter weather advisory and viewing what is on the radar, the Greenfield Exempted Village School District will begin on a two hour delay Wednesday, January 25, 2023. Our team will continue to monitor conditions over the next couple of hours. Please remember that due to the delay, breakfast will not be served today.

Due to overnight snow and refreezing of road surfaces, the Greenfield Exempted Village School District will be on a two hour delay Monday, January 23, 2023. Please remember that breakfast is not served on days when there is a delay. Also, there will be no morning preschool classes.

January is School Board Appreciation Month! This week, we are going to recognize our members and give you an opportunity to learn some REALLY unique facts about them. Today we are recognizing Mr. Eric Zint.
🎼 What song would make the best theme music for you? First Tube by Phish
🫣 What is the most irrational superstition you have? I am not superstitious.
😋 What is the weirdest food combination you enjoy? Homemade taco salad with French dressing on top
🤝 If you could swap lives with someone for one day, who would it be? Trey Anastasio 🎸
✔️ What is one item on your bucket list? I would like to visit Redwood National Park. 🏕️
🤔 What is your earliest memory? Living on the corner of Sixth Street and McClain Avenue.
😱 Would you shave your head for $100? I’ve done it for less! 🤣
💡 What is the most fascinating fact you know? I know that the Bengals just won the AFC North in back-to-back seasons for the first time in franchise history. 🏈
✨ What is one trend you wish would come back in style? Breakdancing
💜💛 What do you enjoy about being a GEVSD School Board member? I enjoy giving back to the district and community.
Thank you to Eric for sharing! Our district appreciates his dedication as a Board member! 😊

We would like to thank the Southern Ohio Jeepers Association for their donation to our school! The Association donated book bags, binders, poster paper, chap stick, deodorant, shoes, and clothing essentials to benefit students in our building. We appreciate their support!

Congratulations to our students who completed math fluency facts on Reflex Math!

January is School Board Appreciation Month! This week, we are going to recognize our members and give you an opportunity to learn some REALLY unique facts about them. Today we are recognizing Mr. Eric Wise.
🎼 What song would make the best theme music for you? Humble and Kind by Tim McGraw - If everyone would act as this song states, we would be a lot better off!
🫣 What is the most irrational superstition you have? None! I’m not superstitious.
😋 What is the weirdest food combination you enjoy? Cheese and mushrooms in a bowl.
🤝 If you could swap lives with someone for one day, who would it be? My son - to be a kid again and see the world through his eyes. 😊
✔️ What is one item on your bucket list? I would like to play golf at St. Andrews in Scotland. ⛳️
🤔 What is your earliest memory? Kindergarten at the Duncan McArthur Building - My teacher was Mrs. Beatty.
😱 Would you shave your head for $100? Yes! My haircut is just one step away from it.
💡 What is the most fascinating fact you know? As an avid golfer, I know that the chance of a hole in one is 1/12,500 shots. 😳
✨ What is one trend you wish would come back in style? Starter jackets from the 90’s.
💜💛 What do you enjoy about being a GEVSD School Board member? I enjoy being involved with my Alma Mater and seeing the district grow and flourish as Mr. McClain would have supported. I want the best for our students and staff, and I also enjoy being a voice for the community. GEVSD is very important to our entire community, and we all want nothing but the best.
Thank you to Eric for sharing! Our district appreciates his dedication as a Board member! 😊

Reminder: The event occurs tomorrow, January 19 at 6:30PM in the MHS auditorium. We would love to see you there! 💜💛

January is School Board Appreciation Month! This week, we are going to recognize our members and give you an opportunity to learn some REALLY unique facts about them. Today we are recognizing Mrs. Marilyn Mitchell
🎼 What song would make the best theme music for you? I’ll Be There
🫣 What is the most irrational superstition you have? Don’t open an umbrella inside a building. ☂️
😋 What is the weirdest food combination you enjoy? Sloppy joes on chips
🤝 If you could swap lives with someone for one day, who would it be? King Charles 👑
✔️ What is one item on your bucket list? I would like to visit the Eiffel Tower in Paris. 🇫🇷
🤔 What is your earliest memory? My earliest memory is when I received my first babydoll. I remember playing in the candy case at our store in South Salem.
😱 Would you shave your head for $100? No.
💡 What is the most fascinating fact you know? Your ears never stop growing. 👂
✨ What is one trend you wish would come back in style? Manners
💜💛 What do you enjoy about being a GEVSD School Board member? I enjoy helping to make decisions on the Building and Grounds Committee and taking care of our district. ❤️
Thank you to Marilyn for sharing! Our district appreciates her dedication as a Board member! 😊

January is School Board Appreciation Month! This week, we are going to recognize our members and give you an opportunity to learn some REALLY unique facts about them. Today we are recognizing Mrs. Sandy Free.
🎼 What song would make the best theme music for you? All She Wants to Do is Dance
🫣 What is the most irrational superstition you have? I knock on wood, and if I can’t find something made of wood, I knock on my head! 🪵
🍅 What is the weirdest food combination you enjoy? Eggs over easy with home fries and ketchup over them; tomato slices with sugar
🤝 If you could swap lives with someone for one day, who would it be? A race car driver! 🏁
✔️ What is one item on your bucket list? I would like to own a Corvette convertible and ride around selling houses as a realtor.
🤔 What is your earliest memory? My earliest memory is when I received my first babydoll. I got a Thumbelina doll and a high chair, and I still have the Thumbelina doll in my cedar chest!
😱 Would you shave your head for $100? No, not hardly!
💡 What is the most fascinating fact you know? No two people have the same fingerprint. God made us all unique.
✨ What is one trend you wish would come back in style? A good old-fashioned barn square dance!
💜💛 What do you enjoy about being a GEVSD School Board member? I enjoy helping to make decisions that are in the best interest of our students in our district. I always strive to make the best better for many years to come and to be a good spokesperson for our community. 😊
Thank you to Sandy for sharing! Our district appreciates her dedication as a Board member! 😊

January is School Board Appreciation Month! This week, we are going to recognize our members and give you an opportunity to learn some REALLY unique facts about them. Today we are recognizing Mrs. Rachel Fraley.
What song would make the best theme music for you? Knee Deep - Zac Brown Band
What is the most irrational superstition you have? I’m not really superstitious, but I guess I do sweat a little when I break a mirror.
What is the weirdest food combination you enjoy? I won’t even consider drinking white milk unless it has ice cubes in it.
If you could swap lives with someone for one day, who would it be? Jaime Schmidt, the founder of Schmidt’s natural products, to learn how she scaled her small business (which is similar to mine) to become one of the leading all natural companies in the country.
What is one item on your bucket list? Visit New Zealand
What is your earliest memory? When I was three years old, I stepped into Paint Creek Lake and went under water. I vividly remember being under water and raising my arms up. My mom grabbed an arm and pulled me out.
Would you shave your head for $100? No way!
What is the most fascinating fact you know? An adult body contains about 100,000 miles of blood vessels.
What is one trend you wish would come back in style? I loved stirrup pants back in the day.
What do you enjoy about being a GEVSD School Board member? I enjoy meeting our students and hearing about their achievements, being an advocate for students, and making informed decisions and suggestions to continue to improve of our district.
Thank you to Rachel for sharing! Our district appreciates her dedication as a Board member!

Information from the 1-12-23 4:15
There will be no school on Monday, January 16, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
On Thursday, January 19, we will be hosting the annual State of the District at 6:30PM in the McClain High School Auditorium. This is an opportunity to hear about the good things happening in the district, ask questions, and tour McClain High School. This event is open to anyone in the community and not just parents and guardians. We would love to see you there!

We would love to see you on January 19!

Winter benchmark testing begins tomorrow for students in 3rd-8th grade and some high school courses. The testing schedules are available on the district website by clicking "menu" then click "students" or by clicking on the links below.
Elementary: bit.ly/3Qosbrk
Middle School: bit.ly/3GQvkgf
High School: bit.ly/3vPq5HC
If you have questions about testing, please contact your student's teacher. We cannot wait to share the awesome progress of your student(s) with you following testing!
Go tigers!

Mrs.Starkey’s First Grade class earned another leadership award for making 10 PAWSitive choices as a class in our school! They enjoyed donuts with milk and a movie.