It’s always an honor to recognize veterans in a variety of ways across our district! Thank you, Veterans, for your service and sacrifices! ❤️🤍💙💜💛 #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
veterans 1
Information from the November 10, 2022 5:30pm all-call: The McClain High School Drama Department will present the play “Miracle on 34th Street” Friday, November 11 & Saturday, November 12 at 7:30pm in the MHS Auditorium. Tickets are $5 at the door. Performing Arts Boosters will be selling concessions before and during the show at the Marble Stairs. We would love for you to come out and support our students and this wonderful production! Important dates: Tuesday, November 22 - Two hour early dismissal Wednesday, November 23-Friday, November 25 - Thanksgiving break Monday, November 28 - School resumes. Have a good evening!
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
Important information regarding a two hour early dismissal on November 22, 2022!
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
The McClain High School Drama Department will present the play “Miracle on 34th Street” Friday, November 11th & Saturday, November 12th at 7:30pm in the MHS Auditorium. Tickets are $5 at the door. Performing Arts Boosters will be selling concessions before and during the show at the Marble Stairs. Come out and support our students and this wonderful production! 😊
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
Congratulations to last week’s reflex math students!
over 2 years ago, Lindsay McNeal
reflex 4
We are looking for someone to join our custodial team!
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
November Menus
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
MSHS Lunch
Mrs. Chaney’s class celebrated their scary good behavior for the month of October with a popcorn party!
over 2 years ago, Kris Davis
Join us this evening for our Marching Tigers and Tigerettes Indoor Band Concert! It will be held in the MHS Auditorium at 6:00 pm. This event is open to the community with no admission charge. ☺️
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
Today was an AWESOME day of learning in the Greenfield Exempted Village School District! Staff members spent time collaborating and learning from one another during learning walks. The best professional development is often in “your own backyard”, and we are proud of our staff members as they continue to increase their knowledge about Visible Learning. You can check out many more pictures from our district on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter by searching #VisibleLearning. #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
The kindergarten teachers at Greenfield Elementary would like to thank our local businesses for supporting our Halloween Parade. We loved seeing all of the smiling faces in our community! Our day would not have been a success without your support 💜💛
over 2 years ago, Kris Davis
These students were treated to a McDonald’s lunch today from Mrs.Unger for earning the the most AR points in the fifth grade for the first nine weeks!
over 2 years ago, Kris Davis
Reminder: There will be no school for students on Friday, October 28, 2022. We hope to see all parents and guardians for a conference on either Wednesday, November 2 or Thursday, November 3. 😊
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
Our really great students love the  Really Great Reading kits to build words! 📚
over 2 years ago, Lindsay McNeal
Mrs. Ary's kindergarten students listened to "Room on the Broom" today in Mr.Roller's art class and added characters and colors to their brooms.
over 2 years ago, Kris Davis
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These fifth graders earned 25 points or more in our AR program to be in Mrs. Allison’s Tiger Club!
over 2 years ago, Kris Davis
Tomorrow is Unity Day. Our school counselor has been talking to students about bullying prevention, and being kind to others. We will be celebrating by wearing orange to school tomorrow!
over 2 years ago, Lindsay McNeal
With the cooler weather sneaking in, we want to send out a reminder that our students will have outdoor recess on days that are 32° and higher. Please make certain your child is dressed accordingly for the weather. Thank you and have a wonderful fall!
over 2 years ago, Bob Schumm
The 2:30 performance of Opening Night is in full swing, but you still have a chance to catch the second performance at 7:30 in the McClain High School auditorium. Admission is $5.00. Come out and show support for our talented students! 💜💛 #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
Fall Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Wednesday, November 2 and Thursday November 3. Please copy the link below to complete the conference registration form (one per child). A clickable link can also be found on our Facebook page and an email sent through Final Forms. We look forward to sharing your child's progress with you!
over 2 years ago, Lindsay McNeal