COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS BREAK - This year we are counting down the 18 school days until break by sharing some facts about Edward Lee McClain High School! The facts and pictures shared each day may be familiar to some, but we have many in our community who may not know the uniqueness of our high school. Even if you are familiar with the history, we think that along the way you may learn some new facts and see some unique pictures that aren't often shared. Day 9 - The murals: The three large murals in the high school are original pieces created specifically for McClain High School by artist, Vesper Lincoln George. Two of the murals can be found in the current library and measure at forty feet in length. The third mural can be found above the marble staircase and measures twelve feet by twenty-four feet. The murals were all created in Boston and displayed in a gallery there for a short period of time before making their way to Greenfield. The two larger murals are actually each divided into three panels. Countless letters and telegrams that have been provided to our district show evidence of the close relationship and frequent communication between McClain and George. Like McClain, George passed away in 1934. Like the other pieces of art, the murals have received excellent care over the years in order to keep them in good shape. Although the company uses a special solution to clean the murals, their employees have shared before that one of the best solutions for cleaning them is saliva. The pictures today are all recent photos showing the excellent condition of the murals: 1. The Pageant of Prosperity - installed on the west wall of the library in 1918 2. The Apotheosis of Youth - installed above the marble stairs in 1919 3. The Melting Pot - installed on the east wall of the library in 1920 4. This framed poem was printed and decorated by Vesper Lincoln George. Scum of the Earth, written by Robert Haven Schauffler, is related to The Melting Pot. The print is autographed by Schauffler. #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers #edwardleemcclain
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS BREAK - This year we are counting down the 18 school days until break by sharing some facts about Edward Lee McClain High School! The facts and pictures shared each day may be familiar to some, but we have many in our community who may not know the uniqueness of our high school. Even if you are familiar with the history, we think that along the way you may learn some new facts and see some unique pictures that aren't often shared. Day 8 - The art - part two: We are going to spend the next three days continuing to focus on the art in the high school. As shared yesterday, there are many different types of artwork inside (and outside) the building. The pictures today are all recent photos showing the excellent condition of the artwork: 1. There are a few different friezes in the high school, with the Frieze of the Parthenon on the first floor, and the Cantoria frieze probably being the most recognized. The picture shows a beautiful frieze located on one of the landings. It is titled Apollo and Victory. 2. The Quest of the Holy Grail consists of fifteen hand-colored panels and is located on the second floor. The originals can be found in the Boston Public Library. Pictured is the first panel titled The Infancy of Galahad 3. Honor Roll Tablet - Located in front of the entrance to the auditorium, the tablet bears 189 names of boys and men from ELM High School and Greenfield Public Schools who helped to win the World War, 1914-1918. The bronze tablet was cast by Tiffany Studios in New York City. 4. Moravian Tile Panels - Originally, there were four Latin inscribed Moravian panels on the exterior walls of the high school. There are three still visible today. The fourth "hidden" tile was covered when the new gym was constructed in 1974. The picture shows the hidden tile which reads, LITERA SCRIPTA MANET, meaning "The written letter remains" or "Literature is everlasting". All of the tiles still exhibit beautiful, sharp colors! #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers #edwardleemcclain
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
We invite everyone to enjoy our Greenfield Elementary 2nd Grade holiday program, "Jingle All The Way" at the Greenfield HS Auditorium on December 14 at 6:00 pm. Information for the 2nd grade students: Students are to arrive at Greenfield Elementary at 5:00 pm to prepare. Christmas/Holiday attire is encouraged. Please be cognizant of students wearing anything on their heads that may block someone behind them, and appropriate shoes for safety on the risers.
over 2 years ago, Lindsay McNeal
COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS BREAK - This year we are counting down the 18 school days until break by sharing some facts about Edward Lee McClain High School! The facts and pictures shared each day may be familiar to some, but we have many in our community who may not know the uniqueness of our high school. Even if you are familiar with the history, we think that along the way you may learn some new facts and see some unique pictures that aren't often shared. Day 7 - The art - We are going to spend the next four days focusing on the art in the high school. It is believed that McClain High School is the only high school in the United States that has its own art catalog. There have been three printings of the catalog - 1918, 1932, and 1980. There are nearly 200 pieces of art in McClain High School. Most of the pieces are reproductions, and we will highlight the original pieces later in the week. The types of artwork include paintings, murals, sculptures, busts, and friezes. In addition, Rookwood tiles outline the water fountains. It is with an outpouring of support that we are able to maintain the art restoration fund so that the excellent condition of the artwork can continue for many years to come. Our district is very fortunate! The pictures today are all recent photos showing the excellent condition of the artwork: 1. Statue of George Washington - The statue can be found on the third floor of the high school. It is one of ten statues. Interesting fact - Edward Lee McClain was a descendent of George Washington. 2. Water fountain with Rookwood tile - The Rookwood Pottery Company is located in the Over the Rhine area in Cincinnati. 3. The Statue of Athena - Athena was donated by members of the community. 4. The Sphinxes - The picture shows just one of two sphinxes, which are unique pieces found at the base of the marble stairs. Both figures are carved out of solid rock. #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers #edwardleemcclain
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
THANK YOU to 2020 McClain High School graduate and current Wilmington College student, Sarah Free! With the support of her family member, Bill Tomecko, Sarah donated gloves to every K-2 student in our district! We greatly appreciate this wonderful act of kindness! 💜💛 #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
gloves 1
gloves 2
COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS BREAK - This year we are counting down the 18 school days until break by sharing some facts about Edward Lee McClain High School! The facts and pictures shared each day may be familiar to some, but we have many in our community who may not know the uniqueness of our high school. Even if you are familiar with the history, we think that along the way you may learn some new facts and see some unique pictures that aren't often shared. Day 5 - Lulu - Most of the artwork in McClain High School was handpicked and donated by Lulu Johnson McClain. The intent was not only to make the corridors virtual art galleries, but to provide a resource that complemented instruction in literature, history, geography, civics, music, and even astronomy and chemistry. Some interesting facts: 1. Lulu Theodosia Johnson was born on July 19, 1867 in Oakley, a suburb of Cincinnati. 2. She attended private schools, Hughes High School, and the Glendale Female College. 3. Lulu met Edward in July 1884, and then they were married on her family's estate in Oakley on December 17, 1885. 4. Together they had four children - Edward Lee McClain, Jr.; Helen St. Clair McClain; Donald Schofield McClain; Elsworth Johnson McClain, who was born and died on June 17, 1897. 5. The list of social clubs and organizations that she was involved in is quite lengthy. She supported numerous patriotic and religious causes. 6. In addition to providing most of the artwork, Lulu also provided the hand painted china, silver, and linens for the dining room in the Home Arts Department. 7. In addition to JOINTLY giving the high school to the city of Greenfield, she also joined her husband in giving the vocational building and the athletic field to the city. In the fall of 1937, she and their daughter donated funds for the floodlights for the athletic field. The pictures show: 1. A young Lulu Johnson 2. Lulu in what possibly could be her wedding dress 3. Lulu and her grandson, Donald Schofield McClain, Jr. in August 1928 4. Lulu in Atlantic City in either 1934 or 1935 #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers #edwardleemcclain
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
Lulu 1
Lulu 2
Lulu 3
Lulu 4
COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS BREAK - This year we are counting down the 18 school days until break by sharing some facts about Edward Lee McClain High School! The facts and pictures shared each day may be familiar to some, but we have many in our community who may not know the uniqueness of our high school. Even if you are familiar with the history, we think that along the way you may learn some new facts and see some unique pictures that aren't often shared. Day 5 - The fountain and the formal English garden - The area has changed in appearance quite a few times over the years. The original fountain made a home for goldfish in the summer months and included an artistic bird bath guarded by an infant water nymph. The extremely cold winters between 1934 and 1936 led to the resurfacing and replanting of what was then being called the Dutch formal garden. The garden consisted of countless types of flowers, bushes, and trees. There were said to be approximately 110 rose bushes! The number of fountains, or the number of decorative statues on top of the base/bird bath, prior to 1971 remains a mystery to be solved. In the 1956 Dragon, the garden still consisted of countless plants along with the original fountain. Then a picture taken in June 1957 shows clear grass beds with a different fountain. At some point, that fountain was removed prior to the dedication of the new fountain in 1971 by the graduating class. Not only did the Class of 1971 raise money for a new tiered, spraying fountain with varying colors of lights, they also led the student body in the Centennial Celebration. The first graduating class of what was Greenfield High School consisted of three students who graduated on May 26, 1871. The Class of 1971 became known as the Centennial Class. The current fountain was a gift from Triad Architects and Weller's Plumbing and Heating in 2001 following the renovation. The fountain has seen the likes of everything from bubbles to a dead coyote over the years as a focal point for senior pranks. The pictures show: 1. Young children by the fountain in 1928 2. A VERY different looking garden and fountain area! 3. The June 1957 picture of the area 4. The pages from the 1971 Dragon highlighting the Centennial Class fountain #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers #edwardleemcclain
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
Fountain 1
Fountain 2
Fountain 3
Fountain 4
COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS BREAK - This year we are counting down the 18 school days until break by sharing some facts about Edward Lee McClain High School! The facts and pictures shared each day may be familiar to some, but we have many in our community who may not know the uniqueness of our high school. Even if you are familiar with the history, we think that along the way you may learn some new facts and see some unique pictures that aren't often shared. Day 4 - The auditorium: First, some facts - 1. McClain High School is one of just a few high schools in the country with an in-house organ, which was installed by the Ernest M. Skinner Company of Boston in 1915. 2. The auditorium was built with separate exterior doors so that the community could use it outside of the school day. 3. Equipment for projecting motion pictures or carrying radio broadcasts was part of the original auditorium. 2. The pipes that you see are NOT the actual organ pipes. They are only decoration. The actual pipes cannot be seen from the seats. 3. The chairs were renovated for the first time in 1968. 4. Originally, the auditorium seated approximately 900. Today, the auditorium seats approximately 550. 5. There was not always an orchestra pit. The pit was not added until the 1986 renovation. The pictures show: 1. The description of the auditorium taken from the 1915 Dragon 2. A performance from the 1920s 3. A high school orchestra picture from 1924 4. The 1986 Dragon pages dedicated to the renovation #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers #edwardleemcclain
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS BREAK - This year we are counting down the 18 school days until break by sharing some facts about Edward Lee McClain High School! The facts and pictures shared each day may be familiar to some, but we have many in our community who may not know the uniqueness of our high school. Even if you are familiar with the history, we think that along the way you may learn some new facts and see some unique pictures that aren't often shared. Day 3 - The library: Anyone who has attended or visited the high school recently would know the library as it is today. The library was not always a library though. It started out as a study hall. The pictures show: 1. The original library - This room is adjacent to the current library. 2. The original principal's office - This room is also adjacent to the library on the opposite side. 3. The library in its original state as a study hall - Look closely. It is rare to see a picture of the library without the murals. 4. One of the issues that our maintenance and custodial department has had to contend with over the years is ensuring that water does not damage the murals. Countless letters were written and exchanged between McClain and artist Vesper Lincoln George regarding the murals. It was discovered recently in one letter that water leaking in those areas has been occurring from the beginning! We got a chuckle out of knowing that even McClain was frustrated by the leaks. Our district is fortunate to have such a wonderful maintenance and custodial staff that works diligently to maintain the beauty of our high school! The picture shows the words of Edward Lee McClain in one of the many letters. #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers #edwardleemcclain
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
Study Hall
There are great things happening in Mr. Roller’s art class!
over 2 years ago, Lindsay McNeal
December menus
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
December Elementary Lunch
December Breakfast
December MSHS Lunch
COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS BREAK - This year we are counting down the 18 school days until break by sharing some facts about Edward Lee McClain High School! The facts and pictures shared each day may be familiar to some, but we have many in our community who may not know the uniqueness of our high school. Even if you are familiar with the history, we think that along the way you may learn some new facts and see some unique pictures that aren't often shared. Day 2 - Innovation: In present time, the word "historic" would come to the mind of many when describing McClain High School. During the time period that it was constructed, the word that would come to mind for most would be "innovative". It was in 1912 that Edward Lee McClain shared his idea of developing a state-of-the art high school with Greenfield High School Principal Frank Raymond (F.R.) Harris. Together, McClain, Harris, and renowned architect William Ittner designed a high school that would come to be known across the country. While still learning traditional subjects, students were provided with learning experiences that would support them in their future as adults. The pictures show: 1. Known as part of the domestic science department, this picture shows the cooking area and model dining room. If you are familiar with the high school currently, you may know that the model dining room is now Mr. Closson's office! 2. This picture shows the chemistry laboratory. There was a physics laboratory as well. 3. Known as part of the commercial department, this picture shows the typewriter room. 4. Also part of the commercial department, this picture shows a bookkeeping and accounting classroom. #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers #edwardleemcclain
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
Domestic Science
COUNTDOWN TO CHRISTMAS BREAK - This year we are counting down the 18 school days until break by sharing some facts about Edward Lee McClain High School! The facts and pictures shared each day may be familiar to some, but we have many in our community who may not know the uniqueness of our high school. Even if you are familiar with the history, I think that along the way you may learn some new facts and see some unique pictures that aren't often shared. Day 1 - Some basic facts: 1. Edward Lee McClain was born on May 30, 1861 and died on May 2, 1934. 2. ELM made his fortune in the late 19th and early 20th centuries manufacturing horse collar pads. He also manufactured other products as well. 3. The cornerstone for ELM High School was laid in May 1914. 4. The dedication ceremony for the high school was held in September 1915. 5. It is believed that ELM was unaware that the building would be named after him until he was notified of such by the Board of Education. The pictures show the laying of the cornerstone, ELM at age 24, and ELM at age 42. The final picture is believed to be the last one taken of him before his death. It was taken in January 1934. #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers #edwardleemcclain
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
Engaged students Amazing staff Supportive families Wonderful community We are so thankful! School will resume for students on Monday, November 28, 2022. Happy Thanksgiving!
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
Today Mrs. Barham's class worked together to solve math clues to unlock a special prize. Then they played "PIE-O," a version of Bingo, where a winner gets a chance to play Pie Face. Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃🥧
over 2 years ago, Lindsay McNeal
Good morning from Greenfield Elementary! This is a friendly reminder that we will have a two hour early dismissal today, November 22, 2022. Release times are as follows: No pm preschool, kindergarten- 1:35, First Grade- 1:40, Second Grade- 1:45, Third Grade- 1:45, Fourth and Fifth Grade- 1:50. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
over 2 years ago, Lindsay McNeal
The District 16 Elementary and Middle School honor choirs will be performing today, November 19, at 4:00 in the McClain High School Auditorium. Come and check out this talented group, which includes some of our students! There is no charge for admission. 🎶 #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
Please consider scheduling an appointment for the blood drive tomorrow. ☺️
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
We encourage all parents and guardians to read this important information from Nurse Katie.
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
If you missed it tonight, you can still come out tomorrow evening, November 12, to see the McClain High School Drama Department present the play “Miracle on 34th Street”. Start time is 7:30pm in the McClain High School Auditorium, and tickets are $5.00 at the door. The Performing Arts Boosters will be selling concessions before and during the show at the Marble Stairs. Come out and support our students and this wonderful production! 😊 #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
miracle 3
miracle 2
miracle 1