Mrs. Hurtts 3rd graders completed a project using the Tiger Learner Disposition of Perseverence. "Just Keep Swimming!"

The intervention team has began a new program this year called Really Great Reading. Students are being rewarded for engagement and participation with tiger bucks! Here are 2 3rd graders adding their tiger bucks to the bank! 💰

Here are a few pictures of our students all dressed ‘down’ in their pajamas for the first day of Spirit Week! Tomorrow is ‘Scrabble Day’! Send your students to school wearing clothing that has a letter or word!

Mrs. Gallaugher's 4th graders created art work inspired by the last fireflies of the summer in Mr.Roller's art class.

Today was our last day for that golden coop winners! Three of the five winners are pictured below along with another student who sold over 12 items online who received a complete set of coops!
Way to go kiddo!!

Good evening,
As we enter our second week of school after fair break, we would like to remind you that students are to begin practicing their independence walking into the building each morning. The front steps and entryway of our school has 10 staff members ready to assist students to the breakfast room, and their designated grade-level spots. Please allow your children the opportunity to enter the building on their own beginning tomorrow morning.
Thank you!
Mrs. McNeal and Mr. Schumm

Mrs Ary’s kindergarten class earned an ice cream party for completing their leadership board for positive behavior in the hallway. Way to go kiddos!!

Look at these smiling faces! These are today’s golden coop winners and another student who sold 12 items or more through our fundraiser online who received every coop imaginable!
Monday will be our last day to draw for golden coop winners, but there’s still time to either register your student online or share our fundraiser to be entered into the drawing. Thank you for your support!

Ms. Milner's first grade students participated in collaborative conversations yesterday during reading class.

Check out these cool magnets that our McClain Band Boosters are selling! These six-inch heavy duty magnets are made for vehicles, but can be placed anywhere. At $5.00 each, they can be purchased directly from Band Booster members or from their concession stand. 😊

Our cookie dough fundraiser is in full swing and we are on our way to our $15,000 goal!
Today we met our first goal marker by selling $3000 worth of items! This marker has Miss Donna receiving a pie in the face at our end of fundraiser assembly.
Here are the other goal markers and the pie in the face recipients:
Miss Kris at $6000
Miss Vette at $9000
Mrs. McNeal at $12,000
Mr. Schumm at $15,000
Please help us reach our main goal of placing a pie in Mr. Schumm’s face!!

More daily golden coops winners and also a student who received all 12 coops for selling 12 items for our fundraiser! Great job!!

Time for our daily Fall Fundraiser update! Pictured below are our golden coop winners for today! We will draw five more winners again tomorrow. Remember to be entered into the golden coop drawing you just need to register your child online and/or share our fundraiser on social media. Your student will automatically earn a regular coop upon completing online registration and another for sharing it on social media for a total of two coops earned. Thank you for helping make our fall fundraiser a success!

September is Attendance Awareness Month. Good attendance has an impact on the success of students.
Some people think about 75% as average success, but check out the impact on students who have only a 75% attendance rate! Even the difference between 90% and 95% is staggering. If you have attendance concerns or questions, please contact us. We are happy to help!

Our Fall Fundraiser is in full swing and will continue until September 26! Today students who registered online for the fundraiser and students who shared our fundraiser online were rewarded with their coops. Out of those students, five were chosen to win the daily golden coops! We also had one student awarded all 12 coops for selling 12 items through our fundraiser online!! The fun and coops will continue this week!

Mrs. Vesey’s first grade class was blessed to have a mini lesson with our guidance counselor, Maggie Dobson, today to learn about her job at our school and about the different emotions we might be feeling about the beginning of the school year! 💜💛🐯

Reminder: School will not be in session September 5-9 due to Labor Day and fair break. School will resume for students on Monday, September 12, 2022.

September's newsletter coming home in bookbags today!

September is Attendance Awareness Month. Good attendance has an impact on the success of students. We will be sharing different facts and resources during the month that can be helpful for parents. If you are looking for resources, check out https://awareness.attendanceworks.org/.

Mrs. Vesey’s first grade students worked in partners today to practice addition using part-part-whole terminology.
Partner1 holds up a stick of cubes, they used five for today.
Partner 2 counts the stick and says the number (5) and closes eyes
Partner one breaks the cube stick into two parts (example 2&3) and holds one part behind back (3).
Partner 2 opens eyes and partner 1 shows what’s left in their hand (2)
Partner 2 has to guess what’s behind the other partners back (3).
Easy to play with anything at your household to practice addition and subtraction concepts!