Parents and guardians - Be sure to check your email for the required form. Forms can also be completed on campus on the day of the clinic.
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
flu clinic
Be on the lookout this week for the second episode of Tiger Talk, our district's new podcast. Did you miss the September episode? Click the link below to take a listen! 😊 #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
We are VERY excited to have Jesse Weinberger visiting our district in November! Jesse will be holding learning sessions with students in grades 6-9 on November 1 and then holding a parent/guardian session on November 2 @ 7:00 p.m. in the MHS cafetorium. The November 2 session is open to anyone in our community or surrounding communities. Children ARE NOT allowed to attend the November 2 session. Please consider joining us for this informative session about internet safety. #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
internet safety
Jesse Weinberger
The Greenfield Rotary Club hosted seniors guests, Caleb Holliday and Elizabeth Wright, yesterday. Senior guests share about their family, hobbies, high school activities, and future plans. 😊 #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
senior guests
HAPPENING TOMORROW! Come and join us for this informative event. 💜💛 #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
report card
Information from the October 16, 2023 5:00 p.m. all-call: Good evening. This is Quincey Gray, Superintendent of Greenfield Schools. I’m calling with some reminders of important dates and events that are coming up in the near future. On Thursday, October 19, 2023, there will be a two-hour early release for students. That same evening at 6:00 p.m., we will be holding a district report card review session in the MHS cafetorium that is open to all parents, guardians, and community members. The session should last no longer than an hour. Those who attend the session will be eligible for a drawing for a $25.00 gas gift card. Also, we will provide tours of McClain High School to any interested attendees. On Friday, October 20 and 27, 2023, there will be no school for students due to teacher in-service and professional development. Parent-teacher conferences will be held in all of our buildings on Wednesday, November 1, and Thursday, November 2, 2023. On November 2, we are excited to welcome nationally recognized speaker, Jesse Weinberger, to our district for a session on internet safety that is open to all parents, guardians, and community members. The session with Jesse will be held on the 2nd at 7:00 p.m. in the MHS cafetorium and is open to ADULTS ONLY. We hope that you will consider joining us for this session on a very important topic. Finally, the first grading period ends this Thursday, and report cards will be sent home next week. We encourage you to attend a conference with your child’s teacher(s) in order to obtain current information about their progress. If you have any questions, please contact the school office where your child attends during regular school hours. Have a nice evening!
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
Happening tomorrow!! 😀 Check out this fun event happening at Rainsboro Elementary on October 15! 😊 #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
Happening today!! 😀 McClain High School will host Opening Night on Saturday, October 14, 2023. There will be two shows held in the high school auditorium at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. The theme is "The Magic of Movies and Broadway." Admission is $5.00. Come out and support our students and enjoy some wonderful talent! 🎶🎤🎹🎭 #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
opening night
We are VERY excited to have Jesse Weinberger visiting our district in November! Jesse will be holding learning sessions with students in grades 6-9 on November 1 and then holding a parent/guardian session on November 2 @ 7:00 p.m. in the MHS cafetorium. The November 2 session is open to anyone in our community or surrounding communities. Children ARE NOT allowed to attend the November 2 session. We will be sharing more information in the next few weeks. Please consider joining us for this informative session about internet safety. #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
internet safety
Attention 2023 graduates! You should have received access to a survey via the personal email address you provided in the spring. If you didn't, the link is below. We would love to hear about what you are doing now. Obtaining the information in the survey also helps our district with reporting requirements. Thank you in advance for completing the survey! 💜💛 #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
Graduate survey
The Greenfield Rotary Club hosted seniors guests, Brice Graham and Jackson Crago, this morning. Senior guests share about their family, hobbies, high school activities, and future plans. 😊 #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
Attention Seniors! Important information regarding Cap and Gown!
over 1 year ago, Jarrod Haines
This session is open to anyone in the community who would like to attend. Come and join us! 💜💛 #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
report card session
McClain High School tailgating fun 🏈🌭🍪📣🐅 Go Tigers! 💜💛 #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
high school
Go and visit McDonald's to support the McClain Athletic Department before or after the big game tonight. 😃 #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
Check out this opportunity for our MHS students!
over 1 year ago, Matt Shelton
This morning, the Greenfield Rotary Club hosted senior guests, Allie Flowers, Jacolyn Bolender, Kenton McGlone, and Andrew Potts. In addition to sharing about their families, high school activities, and future plans, these Drug Free Clubs of America officers talked about the benefits of DFCA. Pictured with them is MHS English teacher and club advisor, Mrs. Lori Tuttle. #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
McClain High School will host Opening Night on Saturday, October 14, 2023. There will be two shows held in the high school auditorium at 2:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. The theme is "The Magic of Movies and Broadway." Come out and support our students and enjoy some wonderful talent! 🎶🎤🎹🎭 #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
opening night
This session is open to anyone in the community who would like to attend. Come and join us! 💜💛 #legacyofleadership #mcclaintigers
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray
report card session
Paraprofessionals are SO IMPORTANT in education! We would love for you to consider joining our team! 💜💛
over 1 year ago, Quincey Gray