GES Families,
Thank you so much for your support as we moved to a new dismissal procedure! Everything went so well! As we move forward, we have decided to keep the area between the colonnades and the Imagination Kingdom blocked off. This will allow for students and families to safely travel to and from the the parking lot and the Imagination Kingdom. We also ask that families stay at the bottom of the steps to eliminate congestion as students exit the building. Again, thank you!

GES Families,
Today is the first day of the new dismissal procedures. All Kindergarten through fifth-grade students will be dismissed out the front doors of the Elementary building. If you haven't already done so, please read the email sent through Final Forms or the post on Facebook for complete details. Thank you for your continuous support!

Please be aware that our district HAS NOT received a threat via social media. We are in session today. Because of the recent tragedy in our country and unfortunately the follow-up of hoax threats, it is a good time to talk with your child about:
1. Be sure to always report anything that seems odd or threatening.
2. DO NOT create or become involved in a hoax threat as it is a very serious crime. It is not worth being convicted of a crime to get a day out of school.
Our goal is to keep our students, staff, families, and community safe. We can do that together! 💜💛

Check out the September dates for the Adena Health Mobile Clinic. If you have questions, please contact Nurse Katie Pryor @ 937-981-3860. 😊

This session provides a perfect opportunity for you to learn more about our district and to ask questions. Please note that it is open to anyone in the community. We hope that you will consider attending this informative session! 😊

Information from the August 30, 2024 all-call:
Our transportation department is working hard to ensure that students are transported to and from school, as well as, to and from extracurricular events. Because they are understaffed currently, it is important that transportation changes for your child are communicated a minimum of 24 hours in advance unless it is an emergency situation. We appreciate your flexibility and support!
We’d like to thank everyone who has helped to make the morning drop-off at Greenfield Elementary a success. Things have been going very well. If you are parking and then walking your child up to the school, please ensure that you are doing so as quickly as possible so that the parking space can then be open for someone else who needs it. As a reminder, please be sure not to park between or travel through the barricades in front of the Imagination Kingdom. Thank you again for helping us get off to a great start!
September is Attendance Awareness Month and is recognized across the country. Ohio, like the rest of the United States, has an attendance crisis. Part of today’s high levels of chronic absenteeism reflect the trauma and upset experienced by students and families due to significant economic and health challenges. Students who may not have experienced barriers to attendance in the past are now struggling to attend school consistently as a result of the pandemic. As a district, we recognize that many times, there are legitimate reasons why students are absent. Our efforts to improve attendance should NOT be viewed as us encouraging children who are ill to attend school. Our goal is to support families who need assistance with ensuring that their child is not chronically absent from school. Be on the lookout for information during the month of September, and please let us know if we can help your family.
Be sure to check out our app or website if you are looking for athletic event schedules. Any changes are updated regularly. Event details, scores, and pictures can be found on our McClain Athletic Department Facebook page. We hope to see large crowds at our fall events to support our student-athletes. If you are coming to the varsity football game this evening, remember that the start time has been moved to 8:00 p.m.
Today is the last day of school before our fair break. School will resume for students on Monday, September 9. Have a wonderful weekend!

Copies of this information will be sent home with students this week. Please note that parents and guardians are responsible for scheduling their children. Dates when they will be visiting are:
September 10 - Greenfield Elementary
October 9 - Buckskin Elementary
October 14 - Greenfield Middle School
October 15 - McClain High School
October 16 - Rainsboro Elementary

We are excited to welcome Nicole Richmond to our team! She will be working as a bus driver and as a paraprofessional at Greenfield Elementary. 😊
➡️ Nicole graduated from McClain High School in 1993.
➡️ A couple of fun facts about Nicole are that she loves being outdoors and spending time with her family.
➡️ Nicole is so proud of our beautiful school and is excited about being a Tiger once again. 😊
Welcome, Nicole! 💜💛

Reminder: Open House will be held this evening, August 13, at all of our buildings. 😊
All Elementary Buildings - 5:00-6:00
Greenfield Middle School - 5:30-6:30
McClain High School - 6:00-7:00
Looking to buy an athletic pass? You can also do that this evening. Passes will be available to purchase in the New Gym Lobby from 4:30 until 7:30.
Need bus route information? See below for how to access route information.
➡️ Go to our district website at https://www.greenfield.k12.oh.us/.
➡️ Click on Menu.
➡️ Click on Our District.
➡️ Select Transportation.
➡️ On the right side under Forms, you will see all of the K-12 morning and afternoon routes for each building. Please note that times may need to be adjusted in the first couple of weeks as we are continuing to enroll new students. If you have questions, please contact our Transportation Department at 937-981-2620.
We are looking forward to seeing our families at Open House this evening! 💜💛

7:18 p.m. - The issue has been resolved, and calls are rolling out to parents and guardians. We appreciate your patience. Have a nice weekend! 😊
Update: Due to a technical issue, you may not have received a call. We are working with our system provider and apologize for the inconvenience.
Information from the August 9, 2024 all-call:
1. Annually before the start of a new school year, school districts are expected to notify parents and guardians using the phone system from which they will be called when all-calls are made during the school year. The phone number associated with this call will be the one used throughout the school year when information needs to be communicated. If you received the call and should not have, please contact Kris Davis, Administrative Assistant, at 937-981-2152 in order to be removed from the system. If you are seeing this information on social media and did not receive the call, please contact her to be added to the system.
2. Please be sure to update all information in FinalForms so that you will receive important information during the school year. Need help? Contact the office staff in the building where your child attends for assistance.
3. Information regarding our district cell phone policy was emailed to all parents and guardians this week using FinalForms. Hard copies of the letter will be available during Open House, and copies will also be sent home during the first few days of school.
4. Information regarding in-town bus transportation was emailed to Greenfield Elementary, Greenfield Middle School, and McClain High School parents and guardians this week. We are hopeful that in the future we will be able to add the routes back into our transportation plan even though they are not required by law. We enjoyed providing the opportunity for our families, and we have been fortunate to not have a driver shortage the past few years like many districts in our region. If you are interested in learning about how to become a bus driver, please contact Bradley George, Transportation Director, at 937-981-2620. You also can check out our previously posted advertisement on our social media accounts to see the benefits of becoming a bus driver.
5. Don’t forget - Breakfast AND lunch are FREE for all students this school year! 😊
6. Open House for all of our buildings will be held on Tuesday, August 13.
All Elementary Buildings: 5:00-6:00
Greenfield Middle School: 5:30-6:30
McClain High School: 6:00-7:00
We are so excited to kick off the new school year and look forward to seeing you next week!
Go Tigers! 💜💛

Yesterday we welcomed new team members during our staff orientation session. It was fun to see those who are brand new to the district and those who were with us last year but started working in the district after orientation was held last July. No matter their level of experience or in which area they are working, we are excited to have them on our team!

Information from the July 19, 2024 all-call:
1. The Edward Lee McClain Day/Centennial Celebration will be held in the MHS cafetorium tomorrow, July 20, at 2:00. All community members are invited to attend this event at no cost.
2. The McClain Football Fish Fry and Practice with the Tigers will be held on Sunday, July 21 with activities beginning at 5:00 that evening. There will be a free football and cheer clinic for students entering 3rd-6th grade from 5:00 until 6:00. The fish fry will be held from 5:00 until 7:00.
3. The First Annual Tiger Youth Track Clinic and Mini-Meet for students entering grades 2-6 will be held next week. The track clinic will be held on Tuesday, July 23 and Wednesday, July 24 from 6:00 until 7:30 at the McClain High School Track. The participation fee is $25 and can be paid by cash or check on July 23 beginning at 5:30 prior to the first session. Then on Thursday, July 25, the mini-meet will be held at 6:00. Spectators are invited to attend that evening, and there is no admission charge. If you have questions, you can contact Coach Drew Hamilton at drew.hamilton@greenfieldmcclain.org.
4. Parents and guardians - Please remember to update your information in FinalForms. There is information for both parents and students to sign if you have a child involved in middle school or high school extracurricular activities. Some of that information is time-sensitive and must be completed by August 1.
5. The annual Back to School Bash held as a drive-thru event in the alley next to the Greenfield First Presbyterian Church will be held on Saturday, July 27 from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. Students in preschool through grade 12 are invited to receive a free backpack full of school supplies. Thank you to the First Presbyterian Church and all of the community members and organizations who contribute to this event.
6. Be on the lookout for information regarding athletic passes. Passes will be sold on Tuesday, August 13 - 4:30-7:30 and Wednesday, August 14 - 4:00-6:00 in the new gym lobby.
7. Open House will be held for all buildings on Tuesday, August 13. All elementary buildings - 5:00-6:00; Greenfield Middle School - 5:30-6:30; McClain High School (open house and freshman orientation) - 6:00-7:00
8. The first day of school for students is Thursday, August 15. Parents and guardians of preschool and kindergarten students will receive specific information in an August 1 letter regarding breakthrough and staggered start dates. Please contact the office where your child attends if you have questions.
We hope that all of you are having a wonderful summer! See you soon! 💜💛

Information from the July 19, 2024 all-call:
1. The Edward Lee McClain Day/Centennial Celebration will be held in the MHS cafetorium tomorrow, July 20, at 2:00. All community members are invited to attend this event at no cost.
2. The McClain Football Fish Fry and Practice with the Tigers will be held on Sunday, July 21 with activities beginning at 5:00 that evening. There will be a free football and cheer clinic for students entering 3rd-6th grade from 5:00 until 6:00. The fish fry will be held from 5:00 until 7:00.
3. Parents and guardians - Please remember to update your information in FinalForms. There is information for both parents and students to sign if you have a child involved in middle school or high school extracurricular activities. Some of that information is time-sensitive and must be completed by August 1.
4. The annual Back to School Bash held as a drive-thru event in the alley next to the Greenfield First Presbyterian Church will be held on Saturday, July 27 from 9:00 until 11:00. Students in preschool through grade 12 are invited to receive a free backpack full of school supplies. Thank you to the First Presbyterian Church and all of the community members and organizations who contribute to this event.
5. Be on the lookout for information regarding athletic passes. Passes will be sold on Tuesday, August 13 - 4:30-7:30 and Wednesday, August 14 - 4:00-6:00.
6. Open House will be held for all buildings on Tuesday, August 13. All elementary buildings - 5:00-6:00; Greenfield Middle School - 5:30-6:30; McClain High School (open house and freshman orientation) - 6:00-7:00
7. The first day of school for students is Thursday, August 15. Parents and guardians of preschool and kindergarten students will receive specific information in an August 1 letter regarding breakthrough and staggered start dates. Please contact the office where your child attends if you have questions.
We hope that all of you are having a wonderful summer! See you soon!

Check out these important dates for the upcoming school year!

Reminder: FinalForms is open for all students for the 2024-2025 school year. Be sure to update forms or enroll as soon as possible.
Please note that there are directions for new students and returning students. If you have questions, don't hesitate to contact us. You can leave a voicemail message for Brandy Luke, EMIS Coordinator at 937-981-2197, ext. 31057. 😊

Come and join our transportation team!

Please consider attending this wonderful event! We are especially looking forward to celebrating 100 years of the "old" vocational building (which includes the natatorium) and the middle school (known by some as the "old" elementary building). Thank you to the McClain Alumni Association for their dedication to our district and community! 💜💛
Note the change in the start time. It has been changed to 2:00 p.m. in order to better accommodate those who will be attending the C.R. Patterson Mural Dedication Ceremony at 11:00 a.m. 😊

Tiger Bites Update:
1. Due to supply chain issues, we will need to alter the menu as we did last Friday. The meals for July 1 and July 3 will be Cook's Choice.
2. Reminder: No meals will be provided on July 4 or July 5.
Have a safe and enjoyable July 4!

We are excited to welcome Shylah Mustard to our team! She will be working as a paraprofessional at Greenfield Elementary. 😊
➡️ Shylah graduated from McClain High School in 2002 and Southern State Community College in 2004 with an Associate Degree in Office Information Technology.
➡️ A fun fact about Shylah is that she loves to go camping with her husband and two boys. She hopes one day to say that she has camped in all 60 Ohio state park campgrounds.
➡️ Shylah is looking forward to being a part of the Greenfield Elementary team and helping the kiddos be the best Tiger cubs they can be. 😊
Welcome, Shylah! 💜💛

Information from the June 18, 2024 all-call:
Due to the Juneteenth holiday, our Tiger Bites program will not operate on Wednesday, June 19. Children will receive additional breakfast and lunch items today. Then, the program will resume regular service on Thursday, June 20.