It is our understanding that all families have received a notification about their students’ lunch balance. Please disregard the notification at this time.
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
Students in Mrs. Schelling's eighth grade Exploring Animal and Plant Science class discussed the Soil Textural Triangle, briefly discussed soil textures, and began a lab to discover the types of soil they have (Mason Jar Method). Tomorrow they will discuss soil particle sizes, continue discussing the importance of soil texture and what they are, and complete the next part of their lab (Ribbon Method).
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
mason jars
students in ag class
students working
Mr. Penwell’s sixth graders learned how to identify minerals through hands-on activities!
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
Mr. Penwell and his class.
Mrs. Milnes' sixth graders learned about hemispheres and how to read different types of maps!
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
Mrs. Milnes and students
student and teacher reading map
Students in Mrs. Mongold and Mrs. Eikenberry's class began hands on equations today in math class.
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
students working
students working
students working
students working
Mrs. Schellings sixth grade Exploring Agriculture class discussed grains today: what they are, the difference between large and small grains, and by-products from grains. Students got to touch and see corn stalks, corn, and soybeans.
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
students working
students working
students working
students working
Mrs. Schelling's 7th and 8th grade Ag students discussed Soil Profiles and Horizons today in class. To assess what they learned during the lesson, students were tasked with making an edible soil profile to represent a real life profile. At the end of the lab, students got to enjoy their tasty snack!
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
students working
student working
student working
student working
Today was color war for the dress up theme! Great job, Tigers!
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
6th grade.
8th grade
7th grade
This week in Mrs. Gall's social studies class, students learned about the challenges colonists experienced in Colonial Jamestown. Students wrote postcards home as a Jamestown colonist explaining the challenges they were experiencing. Parents be on the lookout for your child's postcard. It is a great conversation started for what they are learning in social studies!
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
Student writing postcard
Student writing postcard
Student writing postcard
Student writing postcard
It’s Football Friday Night AND Homecoming weekend! We hope to see a great crowd tonight. The alumni performance at halftime is always a great show! 😊 We have many events scheduled throughout each week that you can come to and support our students. To keep aware of what is happening, download our school district app. Visit the app store for your device, search by typing Greenfield Exempted, and it should pop right up. All of our students and staff members appreciate community members attending our events! Finally, we love pets, but we are only able to welcome service animals at our events. Thank you for your support in this matter. 😊 Go Tigers! 🐯
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
snake dance
Picture Day is coming on October 13th! You can now place your order on before Picture Day, using the Picture Day ID EVTHMPCBS.
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
Students in Mrs. Schelling's sixth grade Exploring Agriculture classes discussed agriculture by-products and began working on posters to display their knowledge on the subject.
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
students working on poster
students working on posters
Today's theme was "Dress for your future career." Thank you to all of the students who participated!
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
6th grade
8th grade
7th grade
Follow-up reminder to an email sent via FinalForms - This opportunity is also available for parents of Rainsboro and Buckskin students who would like to sign their children out and bring them to the clinic.
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
Homecoming week is in full swing! Congratulations to the 2022 McClain High School Homecoming Queen and Court: Queen- Madesyn Wheaton, Queen's Attendant - Vivian Dennis, Queen's Attendant - Ava Beatty, Senior Attendant - Brynli Bergstrom, Junior Attendant - Luca Matesic, Sophomore Attendant - Piper Davis, Freshman Attendant - Mylie Lovett. The Snake Dance is scheduled for Wednesday, September 21, starting at 6:30. Come out and show your Tiger spirit! 🐯
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
An email was sent through FinalForms this afternoon to all eighth grade families concerning the Washington DC trip. The new dates for the trip are May 26-30. Please see the email for additional information.
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
Washington DC Trip
Mrs. Shrout's classes played Trashketball as a competition when multiplying and dividing decimals. There was a lot of "trash talk" between teams!
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
student shooting basket
students working
students working.
student working
GMS supports our McClain Tigers and participates in the Homecoming dress-up days. Monday is Candy Land, Wear your pajamas!
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
Pajama Day participants
Mrs. Schelling's 7th and 8th grade Ag students have been learning about SAE's (Supervised Agricultural Experiences). Today students completed a group think, pair, share activity about the different categories of SAE's and what projects could be completed for each.
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
students working
student work
students working
Mrs. Schelling's 6th Grade students have been studying for their Beef Cattle Test by completing Kahoots. The students are very competitive and loved learning about beef cattle.
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
students working
students working
students working
students working