Check out these cool magnets that our McClain Band Boosters are selling! These six-inch heavy duty magnets are made for vehicles, but can be placed anywhere. At $5.00 each, they can be purchased directly from Band Booster members or from their concession stand. 😊
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
A group of girls from gym class are working hard in the weight room and getting stronger!
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
girls lifting weights.
girls lifting weights.
girls lifting weights
Mrs. Santor's sixth graders working on their My Heart Maps! Such a fun way for the kids to express themselves!
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
kids working
September is Attendance Awareness Month. Good attendance has an impact on the success of students. Some people think about 75% as average success, but check out the impact on students who have only a 75% attendance rate! Even the difference between 90% and 95% is staggering. If you have attendance concerns or questions, please contact us. We are happy to help!
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
Students in Mrs. Mongold's math classes worked in teams to solve today's 3's Challenge.
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
3's challenge
students working
students working
students working
Reminder: School will not be in session September 5-9 due to Labor Day and fair break. School will resume for students on Monday, September 12, 2022.
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
Mrs. Black and Mrs. Eikenberry's ELA class played a game of Vocabulary Verdict today. Judge Black made her ruling at the end of the activity.
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
students working
Judge Black rendering her verdict
students working in groups
Mrs. Shrout's students are improving their writing development through the writing of micro-fiction, two sentence stories.
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
students working
students working
Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Dyer's classes participated in their first Fun Friday today. Students worked together to practice their square roots, cube roots, and ordering rational numbers.
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
students working in hallway
students working in hallway
students working in hallway
students working
September is Attendance Awareness Month. Good attendance has an impact on the success of students. We will be sharing different facts and resources during the month that can be helpful for parents. If you are looking for resources, check out
over 2 years ago, Quincey Gray
Students in the sixth grade ag classes have been studying beef cattle breeds. Students were tasked with decorating a cookie that showed a beef cattle breed discussed in class today.
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
students working
Today in Ag class, the 7th and 8th graders decorated cookies that represented or depicted the FFA.
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
pig cupcake
pig cupcake
student and product
students working
Students in sixth grade classes had their first meeting of Too Good for Drugs!
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
students working
students working
presenter talking to students
Mrs. Black's eighth grade students participated in rotation annotation stations. Students worked together in groups to highlight key ideas and take notes in the margins of their workbooks; therefore, students had a deeper understanding of the passage and the task encouraged them to read with a purpose.
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
students working
students working
students working
Mrs. Mongold and Mrs. Eikenberry's 5th and 8th period class worked on using teamwork for problem solving practice.
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
students working
students working
students working
Mrs. Mongold and Mrs. Eikenberry's 1st and 2nd period class worked on using teamwork for problem solving practice.
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
students working
students working
students working
students working
We will be holding an eighth grade Washington DC trip informational meeting on Monday, September 12th at 6:00 PM in the high school auditorium. If your child is interested in the trip, please plan on attending!
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
8th grade DC trip
Students finished their unit on the FFA Creed today by presenting their Emoji FFA creeds to the class. Students were to say the paragraph of the creed they were given by using the emojis they drew and then explained why they chose that drawing for the words in their paragraph of the creed. 
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
students presenting
students presenting
Today in the 7th and 8th grade ag classes, students finished discussing the FFA emblem. To test their knowledge of the emblem, students were tasked to build a 3D model of the FFA Emblem. 
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
student working
students drawing
students making emblem
students working in groups
Mrs. Dyer's 8th grade classes applied their comparing and ordering skills to successfully organize rational and irrational numbers on a number line.
over 2 years ago, Jason Potts
students working
students working
students working
students working